About PopSlinger

PopSlinger is a vibrant, narrative-focused musical shooter inspired by ‘80s and ‘90s New Retro culture. Join Ria Carbon, a funky heroine on a stylish quest to save the world from sinister invaders from another dimension using soda-powered guns. Backing Ria up is former PopSlinger heroine, Gin!

How to Download and Install PopSlinger

PopSlinger PC Download

Password: www.gametrex.com

PopSlinger System Requirements


OS: WindowsXP Processor: Dualcore RAM: 2GBRAM Graphics: 256MBDirectX10videocard Storage: 12GB


OS: WindowsXP Processor: Dualcoreprocessor RAM: 2GBRAM Graphics: 256MBDirectX10videocard Storage: 12GB

PopSlinger Screenshots

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